JavaScript is known as the most common language used in the field of object-oriented, high-level, and web development that can run in web browsers. Today, it is also used on many platforms other than the browser. Thanks to platforms such as Node.js, it has become possible to use JavaScript on the server side.
JavaScript is used to make web pages interactive, create dynamic content, manage browser interactions, validate user input, and improve web applications. JavaScript is used in conjunction with HTML and CSS, serving as an essential component for creating dynamic and user-friendly websites that users can interact with in their web browsers.
JavaScript is a scripting language that can run directly in the browser and can be run in the browser without the need for a special compiler or compilation process. This feature allows web developers to quickly experiment in the browser.
This 2-day “Javascript Fundamentals” or “JavaScript Fundamentals” course aims to teach participants the basic concepts of the JavaScript programming language, its language structure, and the most commonly used programming techniques.