Information Security Awareness Programs
- Identifying information security awareness
- Information security awareness programs as a security measure
- The changing face of today’s cyber attacks
Principles of an Effective Program
- Determining the purpose of the information security program
- 7 factors in the success of the information security awareness program
- key indicators for measuring the impact of the program
Preparation of Information Security Awareness Program Content
- Determination of awareness training cycle
- Determination of organization-specific training contents
- Training design
- Determination of the form of training
Ensuring Personnel Adoption
- Understanding the perspectives of the personnel
- ensuring the motivation of the personnel
- gaining the support of the personnel
Building a Sustainable Structure
- Determining the development cycles of the program
- obtaining personnel and management support for sustainability
- keeping the program up-to-date
Critical Processes
- Identifying information security awareness needs
- Measuring awareness level
- Measuring training success
- Sample information security awareness training template