Linux/UNIX Shell Programming

Learn via : Virtual Classroom / Online
Duration : 3 Days
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    This course treats the logical power of the UNIX/AIX and Linux command shell, an extreme powerful environment for efficient programming.

    This course covers all the possibilities of the program structures in the UNIX shell scripts. The use of the classic program logic in shell procedures and the syntax for programming is clearly explained, as well as the meaning and the possibilities of AWK.

    Throughout the course a substantial amount of time is spent on practical exercises and case studies.


    On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

    • describe and explain all the possibilities of the program structures in the UNIX shell scripts
    • use shell syntax for programming
    • use AWK.


Module 1: UNIX Shells and Shell Scripts

Module 2: The Shell Environment

Module 3: Regular Expressions and the grep Command

Module 4: The sed Editor

Module 5: The nawk Programming Language

Module 6: Archiving files and SSH

Module 7: Conditionals

Module 8: Interactive Scripts

Module 9: Loops

Module 10: Advanced Variables, Parameters, and Argument Lists

Module 11: Functions

Module 12: Traps


Attendance of the introductory Linux or UNIX course or has equivalent experience with UNIX/Linux/AIX, is expected as well as basic knowledge of a programming language.