Apache Cassandra is a free, open-source project and a second-generation distributed NoSQL database and is considered to be the best choice for high availability and scalability databases, particularly when dealing with large amounts of data. Cassandra supports replication across multiple datacenters, while also making the write and read processes highly scalable by offering tunable consistency. This Apache Cassandra training course will provide you with an overview of the fundamentals of Big Data and NoSQL databases, an understanding of Cassandra and its features, architecture and data model, its role in the Hadoop Big Data ecosystem, and show you how to install, configure and monitor Cassandra.
The large volume and variety of data that today’s businesses process require the need for a highly available, low latency database. Apache Cassandra provides this solution by permitting high-speed reads and writes across a replicated, distributed system. This Apache Cassandra training course provides data modeling experience to take advantage of the linearly scalable peer-to-peer design of Cassandra.
Professionals aspiring for a career in NoSQL databases and Cassandra
· Analytics professionals
· Research professionals
· IT developers
· Testers
· Project managers
· Knowledge of databases and SQL
· Java programming