Android Application Development with Kotlin – Advanced

Learn via : Virtual Classroom / Online
Duration : 5 Days
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    Although Kotlin is a free programming language with open source code developed under the Apache 2.0 license, it works 100% compatible with Java and Android. Google announced that the development language for Android in the new period will be Kotlin. Kotlin supports developing applications using Java libraries, making changes to the core parts of the main parts of different operating systems, making Perl-Linux Shell script strings, and developing server and client based web applications.

    What will You Learn?

    • You will be able to code professionally on Android.
    • You will learn the latest builds and platforms of Android.
    • You will be able to code your projects more efficiently.
    • You will learn about the professional parts of creating an application project.



Android Jetpack

Saving and restoring transient UI state

MVVM architecture

Data Binding

Live Data

View Model

Navigation UI



Dagger – Dependency Injection

Jetpack Compose


Work Manager


Lazy loading


To have knowledge of Kotlin language and Android.